Thursday, March 26, 2009

Announcement (1 April 09)

Have one important announcement of Luminary's service. On Wednesday, 1st April 09, ijji Luminary's service will be combined with Ndoors Global Luminary Service. It calling this The Rebirth of Luminary, because you will have an opportunity to meet a new people, enjoy receiving fast updates directly from the developer, and a large team of talented GM’s.

As a channeled service, Athena and Hera servers will be accessible on the Global server list with Zeus. All of your items, weapons, stocks, money, G Coins, etc., will remain with you as the servers are simply uniting as one whole piece.

1. How to connect:
- You will still connect to Luminary via , and click Start Game.

2. What you need to do:
- After 3/31 maintenance, agree to the new EULA.
- After 3/31 maintenance, Convert any G Coin you wish to use in Luminary to Ndoors G Coins via

3. What will happen to the forums:
- You will still be able to read the Luminary section of for some time with no new posts.
- New posts will be made on the shared forums accessed from within

4. Schedule:
- Tuesday, March 31st, Servers will be down for maintenance.
- Wednesday, April 1st, Servers available with Athena, Hera, and Zeus.

Announcement by Ndoors' Global Luminary and ijji Luminary
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